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hourgla stomach
葫芦胃  detail>>
计时沙漏器  detail>>
hourgla reflector
沙漏型反射器  detail>>
hourgla tructure
砂钟构造  detail>>
hourgla tumor
哑铃瘤  detail>>
 n.  1.胃。 2.〔口语〕肚子。 3.胃口,食欲;嗜好,欲望;志趣。  短语和例子   She...  detail>>
the stomach
五谷之府  detail>>
a nutrient for the stomach
补中 益中  detail>>
a stomach upset
胃不舒服  detail>>
acid stomach
胃酸过多  detail>>
adenoacanthoma of stomach
胃腺棘皮癌  detail>>
adenocarcinoma of stomach
胃腺癌  detail>>
adenoma of stomach
胃腺瘤  detail>>
adenomyoma of stomach
胃腺肌瘤  detail>>
adhesion of stomach
胃粘连  detail>>
alveoli of stomach
胃小窝  detail>>
anterior stomach
前胃  detail>>
antrum of stomach
胃窦  detail>>